Perfil de Elena Cheong

2015 Lunar Calendar

Living in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore, the word "lunar" in the context of calendars usually refers to the Chinese calendar. However, a quick search on Google refers to the various moon phases. Combining both the elements of East and West, this calendar features both moon phases and lunar calendar dates.
Holidays are highlighted with a coloured light tint.
A solar eclipse is expected to happen in March and a lunar eclipse in April.
A blue moon will occur in July.*
*Blue moons are not really blue! It's just used to describe a second full moon within a month.
The colours chosen are adjacent colours on the colour wheel suggesting the endless cycle of seasons and years going by and their relationship with each other.
2015 Lunar Calendar

2015 Lunar Calendar

Living in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore, the word "lunar" in the context of calendars usually refers to the Chinese calendar. However, a qui Leer más
