Above: A translation of cultural tension and connection into symbols. Served as the starting point for the design process behind this installation.
Above: Symbols are translated into a three-dimensional model of the space.
Above: Shifting from symbols to modelmaking allowed further exploration of the interior space.
Above: Changing the scale for the modeling stage of the process. Learning to use the plasma cutter to bring an idea closer to full-scale.
Above: Salām, the Arabic symbol for peace, carved out of a 4' by 8' slab of sheet metal.
Above: Working late in the studio. Backlit sheet metal glows and Salām reflects on the wood floor. Modeling in this larger scale brings the piece to life.
Above: Rendering of the installation as a space for reflection. Perspective view of interior derived from three-dimensional model (shown previously). Salām glows from backlit interior space. 


Cultural tension and connection explored through modeled space. Student work; exploration of new materials and processes.
