Profil użytkownika „Bureau 205”

A to Z: Play with letters
A to Z
Play with letters
SuperCahier n°1
To observe, understand the diversity of letters of the alphabet and the multitude of contours that each one can cover, such is the stake of this “super” book for children.
Through 26 reference letters to be colored which will be transformed into as many puzzles to reconstitute and an alphabetical card deck, each child will be able to learn how to recognize letters of the alphabet in a dozen forms: capitals, lowercases, italic, script, etc.
By handling the cards, he will discover the richness of the typographical universe, while knowing to name the differences: large, narrow, bold or on the contrary thin, with or without serifs, roman or italic…   
He will be able to reconstitute the whole alphabet in a given typographical form or to play on the contrary to compose words by juxtaposing different forms.
A book “three in one” to learn while playing.
Size: 24 x 30 cm
Pages: 64
Isbn: 978-2-919380-14-5
Price: 14,50 €
Graphic design: Bureau 205
Font used: Maax mono
A to Z: Play with letters

A to Z: Play with letters
