James Murrays profil

(ROYAL RANGERS) "Aufbruch"

In this context, Aufbruch means in German "your mission" and sticking to your mission.
This piece is about pursuing your goals and mission in life. You set sail on the "Alltagssee" which means the Sea of Everyday life. The "Wildnis" or Wilderness is about being stuck between hopeless options, each one repelling you, pinning you in one place, unable to move forward. You need to physically create a solution. When the storm of opportunity arrives, it will be rough, mighty and terrifying and will try to throw you this way and that. Stand your ground, look over the dark storm at what you're aiming at, have faith in your vessel (your Aufbruch) and enjoy the ride because it will be worth it! 
This piece was made for the Royal Rangers Deutschland.
Music: Kevin Macleod
Story / Production / Animation: James Murray
(ROYAL RANGERS) "Aufbruch"

(ROYAL RANGERS) "Aufbruch"

Three friends overcoming the difficulties that the sea of everyday life throws at them by trusting in their purpose (their Aufbruch)


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