Profil von Nicole J Duran

Picasso at the deYoung Museum

The Marketing Objective is to use Picasso’s infamous use of color, shape and rhythm to create interest in San Francisco natives as well as tourists. 
The Strategy is to use print, out-of-home, web and interactive advertising to reach all markets. The print ads run in San Francisco Magazine, Juxtapose, New York Times Magazine and SOMA Magazine. The out-of-home advertising will be placed on Muni buses, BART, buildings in the City’s downtown district and on street banners. The web and interactive aspects will range from web banners to a touch screen cubisim painting game for children and adults located in the museum lobby. The gamer will paint on a screen located at the top of the grand staircase while the image appears on oversized screen imbedded on the lobby floor.

The Picasso Application allows the user to be plugged into all aspects of the special exhibition, from gallery tours, interviews with curators, information on upcoming symposia and lectures as well as downloads and ticket purchasing information. This Special Exhibition application was programed to change with each new exhibit  hosted by the de Young Museum and therefore it includes stationary sections such as tours of the permanent collection and a members-only section.
Print Ad
Print Ad
Web Banner
Web Banner
Web Banner
Bus Wrap
Bus Shelter
Street Banner
BART Poster
Picasso at the deYoung Museum


Picasso at the deYoung Museum

The Marketing Objective is to use Picasso’s use of color, shape and rhythm to create interest in San Francisco natives as well as tourists. The Mehr anzeigen

