Nestled along Mexico’s barren border lining the southern Texan boundary is a valley stitched together by generational make-shifts houses jointed with found-objects such as scrap sheet metal, mattress springs, boards of ply wood, cement blocks, draped fabrics, and vehicle parts. The families dwelling in these fashioned homes have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles north in pursuit of obtaining the American Dream. However, within yards of their aim, they arrive bankrupt by absorbent fees to finance passports and visas. In order to survive the harsh elements, the families cluster together making way for villas and local businesses. While having lost many temporal comforts, they emerge with an enduring faith and a warmth within their new community that is generous beyond circumstance. These families open their doors and kitchens to serve neighbors and visitors alike. Despite financial challenges, the unfading dignity and love that resides within humanity is unhindered in Reynosa.
Get involved by donating or joining a team, picking up a paint brush and lumber to build secure housing for families in Reynosa and other regions of Mexico with Mission Discovery ( and with Big Heart Orphanage (
Reynosa - Photo Series

Reynosa - Photo Series

This series explores the intrinsic value of humanity above circumstance.

