Leatherback Turtle and Sea Nettle
Watercolour on 140lb Arches paper, 2013.
Chambered Nautilus
Watercolour on 300lb Arches paper, 2014.
Jojo Parrot - Black-headed Caique
Acrylic on Canvas, 2012.
Barred Owl
Watercolour on 140lb Arches paper, 2013
Ana's Hummingbird, drawn from preserved specimen
Watercolour, coloured pencil, ink, in Komtrak sketchbook. 2014.
Intertidal Invertebrates. Ink on Essdee scratchboard. 2014.
Pileated Woodpecker on Aspen. Ink on Essdee scratchboard. 2014.
Southern Sea Otter as a Keystone Species in Giant Kelp Forests. Ink on Bristol. 2014. 
Cuttlefish at Monterey Aquarium. Ink on Bristol. 2014.
Harbor Seal Pup "Kangaroo" at Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue in 2009.  
Black Prismacolor and Ink on Coquille. 2014.
Monterey Canyon Corals and Anemones
Ink on Bristol, Digitally arranged, 2013.
Basket Star
Ink on Bristol, 2013. 


