In this short comic I wanted to illustrate the similarities between the main characters of the novels The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle, written by Franz Kafka. In fact, these writings follow the story of the same character, which can be identified as the author himself. Joseph K, Gregor Samsa and K. are only personifications of modern man, who suffers from anxiety aroused by the absurd world where nonsense, bureaucracy and cruelty reign over the lives of individuals. In all three novels, the character is a prisoner: he is trapped in the body of a monstrous vermin, he is dragged within numerous courts where the law is beyond human logic or is lost forever in a labyrinth with no exit.
Franz Kafka Synopsis

Franz Kafka Synopsis

In this short comic I wanted to illustrate the similarities between the main characters of the novels The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle Развернуть
