Fernando Asensio 的個人檔案

POEM-OBJECT (feat Alt J)

OBJECT-POEM (feat Alt-J)
Name: I already miss you
Description: Unsual project, trying to express feelings through objects.
Materials: Cotton yarn, Wire, A pice of cheap wood.
Explanation: I wish I´m starting to understand that in some way love is as a psychedelic drug (In fact it is a mix of a powerfull chemistry molecules). It will make you trip on the best colorfull world, it will make you feel warm and save, but as many psychedelic drugs You need to be clean of fears if you want to try a little bit of this pure amazing drug, because if you are not, you probably will lost yourself in your own fears, an then when all the connections will be broken you will feel them as the phantom limb, because you are still under psychedelic effects.
Listening the song "Breezeblocks" from Alt-J music group I realized that the fear of feeling alone is one of the oldest and deepest fear on the human being. 
Probably we wont diserve love untill we will be able to say please go pleas go, i love you so, i love you so.
POEM-OBJECT (feat Alt J)

POEM-OBJECT (feat Alt J)

Unusual project making a poem-objevt

