Profil von MoTA - Museum of Transitory Art

André Gonçalves (pt): Synthesizer & Super 8

André Gonçalves (pt): Performance for Super 8 Projector and Analog Synthesizer
audio-visual performance

The performance involve a super 8 projector and a doepfer analog modular synthesizer. The super 8 projector was hacked so that the amplitude of the sound played controls the intensity of the light bulb and also have a manual control for the speed of the projector flickering (which, due to framerate compression, is not visible in the video excerpt).
The choice of the fairly distorted sounds played is meant to relate to the real-time destruction of the film projected images.

The performance develops in several stages, with different burning processes and different sound approaches. The film used is not super 8 film but instead 35mm slide film. The video shown below was recorded from my first live presentation and both sound and video is being refined so that it becomes better as i get more and more used and comfortable with the setup described.
André Gonçalves (pt): Synthesizer & Super 8

André Gonçalves (pt): Synthesizer & Super 8

it is

