Ramez E. Nassif's profile

Collection | 2014

Melancholy in a colorful fashion, a new earth where the sky wears the dress and gown of veiling crisp black earth shining out amidst the parade of galleries, as Michael Angelo's ceiling drips blood and Mona Lisa stalks the world these pieces are an attempt to take you deeper down into your own self as your reflection shows you your worst fears and truest desires.
Erue - Verus
Those Who Lurk in The Shadows - Verus
Noyade - Verus
Luke - Verus
Because Eventually I Will Fade Away.
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Ignite IV
Prometheus stole fire from the gods to protect the mankind, for this Zeus punished Prometheus by having him chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver. He was to be left there for all eternity.
The Titan
Letum - The Roman
The Arrival

Crowvine | Reboot
Thank you.
Collection | 2014


Collection | 2014

Melancholy in a colorful fashion, a new earth where the sky wears the dress and gown of veiling crisp black earth shining out amidst the parade o Read More
