Jessica Beebe's profile

Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow

A series of personal work inspired by Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury that explores the dark side of rural traveling carnivals and sideshows from the turn of the century in America. The accompanying text provides a mini narrative about each character and puts them into the larger context of the circus/sideshow itself, as well as giving a literary angle to the series as a whole.
Macabit the Sideshow Barker
Walk down any dark and foggy alley, open the door to any seedy bar or opium den and you look into the face of the forces that shaped Macabit the Sideshow Barker. Raised by gypsies after his parents both died of the plague, Macabit learned to survive on the streets at an early age. Charismatic, clever (and a good pickpocket), he stumbled into the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow quite by accident one night and never left. A good person at heart, Macabit's quick wit and funny banter make him a favorite among both other performers and the sideshow goers...
Isabel the Ringleader
All day, every day, she yells and screams and tries to get people excited about the circus, tries to get people IN to the circus. At the end of the day, she likes to retire to her tent and be alone with her thoughts and dreams... and her small elephant named Pearl. That's right folks, she's a ringleader with a soft side. But don't let her know you're watching...
Penelope the Sword Swallower
She was a small girl when the circus came to town and the orphanage decided they didn't want as many mouths to feed. Penelope awoke the next morning on a circus train bound for Biloxi, Mississippi and the day after that, she was learning her trade and earning her keep. "What trade?" you ask. Sword swallowing of course. Her agility with a sword has made her a star attraction in the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow. People come from miles around to see this blade swallowing beauty and the mystery that surrounds her...
Hortensia the Bearded Lady
Hortensia was a beautiful burlesque dancer performing in New Orleans for many years and no one knew her secret. No one that is, except her beau Lorenzo the lion tamer who visited a couple of times of year when the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus was in town. He promised to never tell a soul that Hortensia was in fact a bearded lady, but one night while in his cups, Lorenzo let the cat out of the bag to Algonquin the clown and before Hortensia knew it, she was in the Cigar, Creeper & Dark sideshow as it's beautiful (and bearded) star.
Algonquin the Clown
Algonquin was a quiet, shy boy growing up, preferring the company of a running brook or a night's sky full of stars to people and all their talking. Shadow puppets fascinated him and when summer storms brought lightening or the kids became too much, Algonquin would retire to his room and there create whole worlds of fantasy on his walls with just a candle and his imagination. It was this skill (and his ability to make people laugh) that brought him to the attention of Isabella and Macabit, co-owners of the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow. Now, Algonquin passes his days making people laugh, and his evenings creating worlds in the dark...
Leonidas the Dog-Faced Man
Some say he's the son of a wolf who found a human woman and fell in love with her. Others, say he was raised by dogs. Doctors are stumped and people are shocked by Leonidas' appearance. Consequently, Leonidas was a private and at times enigmatic man whose world travels eventually brought him to the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow. After years of running, Leonidas finally found a home with the circus and a wife; Dahlia the Albino. Together, they have three children; Tussock, Holland and Dagger named after various types of white furry caterpillars Leonidas (an amateur entomologist), collected on his journeys abroad.
Dahlia the Albino
When she was born, her mother fainted and her father blamed his sinful ways for her condition. In every other way, Dahlia was perfect but she was white as snow and unable to do work around the farm. So, at the age of eight, she was sent to live with the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Sideshow. Under the loving guidance of Hortensia (the Bearded Lady), Dahlia quickly learned how to take care of herself in the rough and tumble world of the traveling sideshow. Wandering the hills at night, Dahlia would dream of her perfect man; someone who loved moonlit walks and mystery as much as she did. Eventually, she found love with the most enigmatic member of the troupe; Leonidas the Dog-Faced Man and it's not uncommon to see them wandering the moors under the full moon together.
Madame Zora the Gypsy Dust Witch
The seas ran red and the lightening parted the sky the night Madame Zora was born. Gypsies and beggars and outlaws heard her first cry and vowed to serve her from that day forth. For she was born with the gift of sight; sight into the future, into the past and into the secret hearts of men. Age and travel only heightened this sense of the "other" and when Madame Zora finally decided to rest her bones with the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow she was a world-renowned psychic, fortune teller and medium. So enter her incense and lavender-infused gypsy wagon, sit on her camel saddle seat and let her tell you your deepest secrets...
Lorelai and Adelaide the Conjoined Twins
Like two sides to a very dark and different coin, Lorelai and Adelaide are physically connected but temperamental polar opposites. Lorelia is sunshine, good faith and charity. Adelaide is dark basement dust, spider webs and silent plotting. Many beaus have tried to court Lorelai only to be mysteriously sabotaged by Adelaide so now all the girls have is each other. Despite all of this, their beauty makes them a popular attraction for the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Sideshow and Lorelai has many close dear friends in the sideshow who look past Adelaide to the sweetness within.
Lavinia the Tattooed Lady
Dark seaside piers, dead end alleys, circus tents glowing in the nighttime mist, this is where you will find Lavinia. A traveling medicine man gave her her first tattoo at the tender age of ten, a set of pistols, right across her chest to remind her that life is short and pleasures are few. There isn't a country Lavinia hasn't visited, nor a tattoo parlor worth its salt that she hasn't brought her dark soul to rest inside. While visiting Cajun country, Lavinia learned the dark voodoo arts and decided to make her own good luck. Enchanting her faithful marionette Chauncy to do her bidding, Lavinia has been a star attraction at the Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow ever since. 
Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow

Cigar, Creeper & Dark Circus and Sideshow

A personal series inspired by 'Something Wicked this Way Comes' by Ray Bradbury, dark carnivals, incense and fall leaves...
