The triptych of three distinct prints inspired by chemical pesticides in vegetables and fruits. 
The vegetables in this print may look organic and realistic under normal light, but the vegetables will appear disgusting and inedible when the room is pitch dark as the vegetables are printed with glow-in-the-dark ink. The effect is meant to present the hidden chemicals in vegetables. The pre-printed textured fabric is specifically chosen to better translate the contrast between organic and chemicals.  
Inspired by MRI scans of tomatoes, this print is printed on shiny blue polyester fabric and done primarily with stencils. Neon and artificial-looking colors are used to translate the idea.  
This print is inspired by close up of strawberries. Again, pre-printed textural fabric is specifically chosen to capture the texture of strawberries. Stencils are used for big shapes as highlight and shadows. The white stripes serve as both the highlight and chemical residues or fungi on the strawberry. Textural screens are used along with stencil of a seed shape to print the texture of strawberry seeds. 
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A triptych of three distinct prints inspired by chemical pesticides in vegetables and fruits.

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