Profilo di Angela Soh

Coca-Cola: 100th Anniversary Poster

Coca-Cola 100th Anniversary

Client: The Coca-Cola Company
Date: September 2014
Creative Direction: Felix Ng
Designer: Angela Soh

Anonymous was invited by Coca-Cola to design a commemorative poster for the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle 100 Project in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the iconic contour bottle, and I got to be a part of this project.

Our contribution was based on our earliest and fondest memories of Coke and how every time a Coca-Cola TV commercial came on, it never failed to put a smile on our faces. This simple feeling of joy was what inspired our poster design.

Scale of Happiness reimagines the contours as part of a topographic map. The bottle is centered where happiness is infinite, symbolising that there's no limit to the joys Coca-Cola can bring.

Coca-Cola: 100th Anniversary Poster

Coca-Cola: 100th Anniversary Poster

Commemorative poster for the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle 100 Project in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the iconic contour bottle.


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