Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story
of that man skilled in all ways of contending,
the wanderer, harried for years on end.
The Cyclops was as tall and rugged as an alp. One huge eye glared out of the center of his forehead.
The Sirens enchant with their clear song, sitting in the meadow,
and all about is a great heap of bones of men, corrupt in death,
and round the bones the skin is wasting. 
For Cronos’ son has made Aeolus keeper of the winds, and he could calm or rouse them, as he wished.    
Ulyssea development sketches
Sketches for the creatures and gods
Compositional Studies
公開日 :


A collaborative project with Kelly Murphy involving a deconstruction of the Odyssey. The goal of the series was to create a journey which referen 詳細を表示

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