Andres Acosta sin profil

Flytech souvenir + emotive activity for employees

With one goal in mind, Flytech asked me to create an activity to develop with its employees that generates an emotional moment to reinforce the personal connection between them and the company.
The activity I created was a sort of "Time Capsule", each employee writes in a piece of paper a letter to himself one year in the future, in which he tells everything that he believes could make a better year as a promise to himself. These letters are read by everyone in public and then buried with the box and then, as a symbol, everyone receive one of the vintage keys I've created.
Next year, everyone gather round the box and read the promises they wrote and the cycle starts again.
Keys before the vintage look
Aging process to get the vintage look
Flytech souvenir + emotive activity for employees

Flytech souvenir + emotive activity for employees

Creation of and emotional activity and a souvenir for Flytech
