"Bettween caligraphy at it's purest form, in which writting is done with just an instrumento more or less unstable, and the composition of digital text (computer), there are an infinity of supported write processes, with use structural models or craft repetition instrumentals, mechanic or electronic, that this project has as it objective to investigate
The exercise consists in the observation and investigation of font type composition. Starting from a modular base, it's pretended the creation of the basis to a font type that gathers formal caratheristics."
On the first part of the exercise, to create the letter type, I started by creating the alphabet which is below. From there I created the words "Adhesion" and "Hamburgefonstiv" which were part of the exercise.
Animation using the Alphabet
Front and back of a Flyer
Promotional page on a Magazine


The exercise consists in the observation and investigation of font type composition. Starting from a modular base, it's pretended the creation of Read More
