I'm just an ordinary girl who
fully believes in long distance relationship.
"Cause I still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
'Cause I still believe
Believe in love"
Whenever you miss someone look at the sky,
although you might not see the person there but feel happy
that you two are under the same sky.
"Love is like the air we breathe.It may not always be seen,
but it is always felt, used and needed."
Let us follow our destiny, ebb and flow.
Whatever may happen,
we master fortune by accepting it.
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
Together we can face any challenges as deep as
the ocean and as high as the sky.
Under the same sky.

Under the same sky.

For CP class only


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