Brian Bell 님의 프로필

Black & White - Fundamentals of Imaging

For this assignment we had to produce images with grayscale tonalities while paying special attention to lighting, framing and composition.
Honorable Mention - Black and White
Fall 2014 Ivy Tech of Southern Indiana Juried Competition
I took this photograph near the end of autumn and thought the texture of this dying cattail was interesting. I framed the shot against the smooth surface of the water in the background and some of the lily pads on the surface of the pond. Although the composition is symmetrical, I like that the lily pads in the top of the image are somewhat unbalanced. 
A pine tree that had recently been cut down provided this shot which looks down one of the branches to the pinecone perched above it. I really liked the color version of this image as well, but thought the black and white brought out the textures much better. 
This was more of a test shot of the old and worn dollhouse that I found. I wanted to see how well it photographed from ground level against a rough sky and some vegetation or dead wood. I like the overall look of this photograph and plan to take more in the future, but set against a background that better fits the composition.
Black & White - Fundamentals of Imaging

Black & White - Fundamentals of Imaging

Fundamentals of Imaging - Black and White
