Made a DIY slider based on various designs I saw online. Had to make some adjustments as I do not have much resources. It didnt look that great but it works somehow. You can check out the video below for the test shots I took.
There's still a lot of room for improvement as footages are still quite shaky.
Skateboard for the wheels.
wingnut and screws
Bought some wood from Daiso. $2 each!
bottom piece done!
found an old tripod to use. The base plate went missing!
found an old tripod to use. The base plate went missing!
had to make a DIY base plate out of the remaining wood
Screw to fit into the camera
and it worked!
had to find a way to screw the tripod to the wood.
and it's done!
bought railings from Ikea to make the tracks for the slider
bought railings from Ikea to make the tracks for the slider
some drilling and screwing, and done!
final result. the track didnt work a 100%. need more adjustments.
DIY Slider

DIY Slider

DIY slider by M.Ridhwan
