Profil Huw THOMAS

BMW i8 in 'The Forum' / Studio 804, SADP, KU, Kansas

BMW i8 renders, using the School of Architecture and Design's (SADP) latest Studio 804 project 'The Forum'. 
HDRs generated using Spheron 32-bit Spherocam, backplates using a Canon 5D. Model from Humster3D. Rendered in Keyshot 5 (5.1.57).
Rendered in situ in the 'Jury' room, at rear of main space.
Spheron HDR Previews (Tonemapped using Spheron software)
Above : Jury Room
Above : Main space / auditorium
BMW i8 in 'The Forum' / Studio 804, SADP, KU, Kansas

BMW i8 in 'The Forum' / Studio 804, SADP, KU, Kansas

BMW i8 render inside 'Jury' room, The Forum, SADP, KU, Kansas
