Words Are Weapons
Words Are Weapons was a campaign conceptualized during my 2nd year in design school. This public awareness campaign remains a favorite of mine, as I owe a lot of my early learning to this assignment. While this was done for a class, it taught me a lot of "real world" do's and don'ts...like time management skills and the importance of brainstorming early, and sticking to a plan.

The initial prompt was simple, choose a topic you believe in and make an awareness campaign tackling the issue. It sounded easy. Conceptually however, it took me a little longer than it probably should have to come to my final concept for execution. But once I got it going, it came together quickly.

In the back of my mind I kept repeating the age old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" and thinking about how unfair it is to force people into trying to believe this. Anyone who has ever been belittled verbally understands how words actually hurt the most, and cause enough mental damage to last a lifetime. I wanted my campaign to visually tell that story.

I chose a simple palette of black and yellow, to mirror caution tape. When seen together I think that's a common color association for danger which seemed necessary to my end goal.
Words Are Weapons

Words Are Weapons

This was a project I worked on in my core design class. The task was to create a public awareness campaign with a series of 3 posters.
