The baseline intent is to understand construct of positive human perception we call beauty in abstract form., The project’s goal is to experiment with methodical approaches to this effect beyond common notions of beauty found in narratives containing ideal human values or the basic formal ideas such as golden proportion or symmetry.
So far, two types of patterns are identified: Elegance and Extravagance. Elegance occurs when perceived effort to achieve a great output is small. In other words, it is based on the notion of efficiency. For example, an elegant woman does not seem to try hard to look beautiful but somehow she is able to command culture, aesthetics, and other values effortlessly. Similar can be said in an object where the form or the narrative on its construction is modest in comparison to the effect it achieves.  On the other hand, Extravagance is about display of the efforts, expense and power that was spent in a subject. European cathedrals are great examples where the amazing details and the scale leads into a narrative on its extraordinary construction. It is due to the magnitude or intensity and the viewer’s imagination of its process that the subject is perceived as impressive. It seems that real world beauty occurs in various proportional combinations of these two, as no beautiful object seems to be one but not at all the other.
Mobi is the first full-fledged attempt to manifest this theory-in-progress into physical work. Its primary goal is to internalize good combination of elegance and extravagance in a formable entity. Vehicle of modularity is employed at its foundation to allows efficient expansion and flexibility. Structurally stable system was crucial as expansive builds call for self standing examples, but lightweight enough to be able to be suspended.  Relatively minimal formal complexity was put into each unit, but intended the visual complexity to multiply exponentially along with the multiplication of the units to evaluate the effect of extravagance.  Further practical application is expected as a product that can rapidly build structures of various scale for use from object to architectural scale.


Mobi modular

