Tuborg is one of the leading and most popular beer brands in the world. Traditionally the brand belongs to a specific Lager segment, associated with light, blonde, low-alcohol beers.
Over the years the brand Tuborg in Israel underwent many changes and was not able to maintain a unique and consistent identity. One of the reasons for this, is the fact that alongside the traditional Tuborg Green beer, The Central Bottling Company (CBC), in charge of marketing the beer, introduced Tuborg Red, an Amber, dark-lager beer, created to compete with the popular Israeli Goldstar beer. Over the years, CBC recognized that Tuborg Red was becoming very popular in Israel, and therefore proceeded to improve the blend, creating a rich and unique tasting beer characterized by a dark amber color.
The first challenge was to create a new relevant positioning for Tuborg Red. The beer, known worldwide as a light beer, was now to be positioned locally, as a dark, rich tasting beer. Another challenge was the need to develop a unique brand identity and story, to make Tuborg appealing and clearly differentiated from the Israeli Goldstar, the most popular beer in Israel, now sharing the same beer category.
The new brand essence chosen, “Rich taste for the Experienced”, is a result of the actual changes created in the beer’s flavor, and the decision to target a 24+ age audience - young adults beginning to truly realise what they enjoy about life and alcohol. It is important to mention the drinking age in Israel is 18, a target audience dominated by Goldstar. In addition, we aimed to maintain the brand’s international appeal and values, placing it again “higher” than the local Goldstar beer.
By combining the brand’s traditional elements with new ones, and creating a unique infographic language, a strong brand story and identity were created.
This work was done while working at OPEN Total Brand Experience,  branding and advertising agency, based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tuborg Red

Tuborg Red

Rebranding Tuborg Red
