Profilo di Anne Pennypacker

Acrylics on found objects

Acrylics on Found Objects
Mostly animals on items I found in my recycling bin
This is a toothy crow on a half of one of those plastic take-out boxes. It melted when I used the hair dryer...nevermore!
This is a gory little bird on a used coffee cup. It started out more innocent but the more I thought about our trash killing fragile animals, the more I wanted to make the potentially beautiful into sadly morbid. so there ya go.
Cats are good at angry faces. Perhaps too good...
I'm not entirely sure about Mr. Shark. He sorta went guido, with the shirt and gold chain.
I started out wanting a morbid goat and instead ended with cute. Probably because goats are pretty deranged on their adorable little own. This is on the top of a mini-glass jar.
Meet Franklin, the goose. He likes to sit on docks and poop during the sunset. He'll take a piece of bread if you have any. Do you have any? This was done on a mini metal candy tin.
Getting halloweeny.
Meet Bob. Or Fred. He never gets the flies, which is why he's so dementedly sad. This is done on a coffee cup hand shield...thing.
This leetle goldfish is painted on the cap of a little paint jar.
Miss Squeaksalot is painted on the lid of a capers jar. Also quite mini.
Jeff, the electric Rhino Beetle is painted also on a half of a "to go" box. The non-melty kind.
This is a piece of cardboard from a photograph frame. Give him a break, he's having a bad day.
This is also a frame cardboard piece. I call it the one-ear-bunny-head-warmer.
This rooster is painted on the back of a legalpad. Great cardboard!
Acrylics on found objects

Acrylics on found objects

Humorous and personable paintings of animals and more, on found recyclable objects.


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