Amanda Bains profil

New Horizon Co-op

Co-op stores have been a fixture of several communities throughout the Peace Region for decades, providing not only groceries and other goods, but financial and volunteer support for local events and organizations. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the first Grande Prairie store, long-time staff members produced a short book focusing on the theme of "local people helping local people."
Image: Co-op Archives
In addition to the main narrative, the client provided  dozens of wonderful photos depicting staff and customers during everyday business and special events. Many of the photos had detailed captions and stories of their own that really connected the store history to that of the surrounding community. The layout was designed to include as many photographs, anecdotes, graphs and charts as possible without overshadowing the main text. A light teal side bar (a colour commonly used in Co-op advertising) was used to contain captions and pull quotes, offering some breathing space in the mass of information and images.
Images: Co-op Archives
New Horizon Co-op

New Horizon Co-op

A short book published in celebration of New Horizon Co-op's 75th anniversary.
