The Scientists is an interactive e-learning component built on web standards with Adobe Edge Animate CC. The Scientists enables the viewer to access information about eight historically monumental inventions and their inventors with a motion orientated interface.
The Scientists component is a 750 pixel square layout, consisting of a main menu that enables access to the nine invention subsections. Each section has a nested animation that delivers its content in a visually interesting fashion. The inventions presented are the lightbulb by Edison, bifocals by Franklin, wormhole by Einstien, film by Eastman, phonograph by Edison, AC electricity by Telsa, atomic by Einstien, and microchip by Kilby.
Installation is easy as adding a "div" element to web page's html. The bitmap images are optimized PNG files while the animations are composed of optimized SVG files. The layout design and the bitmap images were created in Photoshop while the SVGs were created in Illustrator. All coding is in javascript - additionally shuffleLetters.js and Greensock animation libraries.

The Scientists was built using Adobe Edge Animate CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, and Adobe Photoshop CC.
The Scientists

The Scientists

The Scientists is an interactive e-learning component built on web standards with Adobe Edge Animate CC. The Scientists enables the viewer to acc Развернуть
