Our pitch at TCO14 Finals. We finished the mobile web-app 10mins before this presentation, that allowed the judges to use as a remote control for the Tely.vision stream they were watching during the demo.
Tely.vision is a personalized video streaming site. It was a project I took on for TCO14 (Topcoder Open 2014) Mashathon, and ended up winning the top prize for it. It takes your preferences of favourite shows from your social networks, and creates non-stop video streams of related content for you to enjoy. To check it out, go to: tely.vision - yeah its a pretty cool domain name.
The landing page of Tely.vision with looping background video.
The player page, with "like", "next video", and "change channel" buttons at the bottom. Users could also use their keyboard arrows for the same actions. This screenshot shows a video of Rick Mercer of the Rick Mercer Report, a Canadian counterpart to Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, which this channel is based on. 
We also designed a remote app for Tely.vision, which allowed the user to do all the same actions from their smartphone. The phone did not even have to be on the same wifi network.
Our pitch video for TCO14 that got us to the Finals and eventually the Grand Prize. It explains the technology behind the project as well.


Tely.vision is a personalized video streaming site. It was a project I took on for TCO14 (Topcoder Open 2014) Mashathon, and ended up winning the Mehr anzeigen
