Henkilön Anupreeta Agate profiili

Mobile Application for Passenger Information for Buses

This is an application created as a platform for passenger information for buses, which stays with the user at all stages of travel.
Unexpeced delay in the arrival of buses, lack of real time information about AMT buses and unavailability of passenger information at different stages of travel led to the conceptualizing of this app.
Centered around providing immediate information about bus arrivals and delays and helping the user to make timely decisions, this app attempts to make traveling by AMT buses convenient and hassle free.
Space analysis and passenger information at diferent points at bus stations and bus stops.
Currently used sources of passenger information.
Task flow analysis.
Mobile Application for Passenger Information for Buses

Mobile Application for Passenger Information for Buses

This application, meant to provide real time passenger information for buses, was created as part of a design project focusing on identifying pro Lue lisää
