A three piece work around current events.
Drawn on paper using Pencil, marker and Chinese Ink.
Side note:
It has been 4 years, I think, since I posted something on Behanced. (or any other medium)
I have been struggling with my art since I quit my Photography.. I has been a weird time for me...
BUT, times have changed and for some reason I have found my will to create art again.
Therefore I apologize for the horrible scans as I don't have a decent scanner nor computer at this time. I'm hoping to buy myself a new computer soon because I miss my digital platform.
The next step of this project is to digitalize these pieces and make color versions.
Time will tell, a lot of death everywhere I see... Hence I no longer watch the news or read the papers.
It's becoming depressing. This weekend our old Queen died. R.I.P. you old bat.
I don't understand racism... I don't understand why you can hate a human being because they have another skincolor... I always think, if someone sticks a needle in my finger, I bleed. The same happens with any human being on this planet.
On the other hand I also dislike all those left wing nutters that yell racism every chance they get.
Let's try and find some balance.
It's the time of the year... It's dark alot!
However, in my country there has been alot of talks about possible power outtages because of problems with a nucleair plant. 
Current Events

Current Events

Back to basics with ink, pencil and markers.
