Perfil de Lauren Burger

Invasive Species - Awareness + Prevention

The numbers associated with invasive species are shocking. Not only are they environmentally damaging, they are economically damaging, affecting personal property and costing billions of dollars in control costs.
How can the consumer really take action, beyond reading a peice of literature?
A native landscape, composed of native wildflowers and grasses, is not only beautiful, but it increases an areas biodiversity, making it stronger and healthier. This acts as a means of biological pest control, meaning that if a non-native, invasive species were introduced, it is much less likely to harm the surrounding area.
Redesigning the seed packet.
By separating the two types of information, it allows for the user to toss the majority of the information out once it's been used for its primary purpose. What's left is only what is essential, the species and amount of water.
Invasive Species - Awareness + Prevention
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Invasive Species - Awareness + Prevention

Raising awareness of invasive plant species while increasing the resiliency of our surrounding ecosystems through the promotion of a native lands Ver mais

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