Chris Cole's profile

Artwork for short comic

Here is the script I was given 
Page 1
              Panel 1
A man in a suit walks down a busy metropolitan street. He doesn't smile. He looks like a person straight out of mad men, slicked back hair with pressed tailored suit. Cars pass on the street.
 People pass him, walking to work. He is facing the reader, looking forwards. His briefcase swings at his side, gripped in his hand. The title appears in the top right hand corner, it reads: Big business
I made my first million by twenty one.
              Panel 2
A closer, side view of the man walking down the street. He still doesn't smile. His hair shines in the sun, a smiling, tattooed punk-like character is walking past him. This panel should be longer across the page, including the wall behind them and conveying the difference in the lives of these two individuals.
Money, it's my life.
              Panel 3
A close up of the man’s hand holding his briefcase handle. The cuff of the sleeve hangs on his wrist. The white shirt poking under the black sleeve of his suit.
My father told me I'd make a great businessman, that women loved a man with money and a nice suit.
              Panel 4
A close up of the man’s shoes as he walks down the pavement, the shoes are a shiny black, glistening from the sun.
Those weren't the type of girls I wanted though, the ones that were after money, and the nice suits.
Page 2
              Panel 1
Large, long panel shows the business man in the right hand of the panel walking past a large blank, brick wall. A large shadow of the man is cast on the black wall, the shadow is if the man was holding a Racquet in his hand, as if in mid play of a tennis game, This shows his longing for an alternate life.
I liked tennis. There was this really nice girl who I played with......
              Panel 2
The man is outside his work, the big sign on the building reads: smith and son. The shot seems to
be zoomed out, the man looks smaller in this panel, dwarfed by the large, overbearing business. He is covered in its shadow.
...... Nevermind, that doesn't matter now, there's no time for games. No time for much of anything now. The business needs feeding.
              Panel 3
The man has entered the building, he walks past desks and cubicles, people type away on computers. Everyone wears suits or business like skirts/dresses. He still doesn't smile. He's surrounded by people less attentive to how bad their lives are then he is.
I say "feed" because I once heard my old economics professor say "Business' are living organisms. Organisms need to be fed, they need to adapt to changes, they need to consume, or  they will die. Just like a business. That just about says it all.
              Panel 4
The man reaches an office door, the door has a window in it. The sign on the glass says: Office of Sam Smith. He is reaching his hand towards the door handle.
What I didn't understand was why did he know this and stay in a heartless corporation Before teaching others to do the same?
Page 3
              Panel 1
The man enters the room; he has his back turned to the reader, closing his door.
What is worse, knowing you're working for a entity that cares nothing for you but still staying nine hours a day or not being able to identify your disposability in the first place?
              Panel 2
The man walks to his desk. Framed photographs sit on his desk, facing the seat and window on the opposite side.
But, I don't want to think about that.
              Panel 3
The man sits down at his desk. Still not smiling. He looks down to his shoes as he sits. We have a full view of the desk and the things sitting on it.
It's too much.
              Panel 4
The man grabs the framed photograph sitting on his desk. He stares at the photo. A plain expression covers his face.
I've got other things to think about.
              Panel 5
A close up of the photo in its frame, a man hugs a woman and poses for a photo, they hold tennis racquets in their free hands. They look happy.
Too much else to regret.
Page 4
              Panel 1
The man lays the photo frame down and holds his hand on his face, covering it and rubbing his eyes.
              Panel 2
The man has taken his hand away from his face, opening his desk draw, he looks into the desk draw.
But.... It's all going to get better.
              Panel 3
The shot shows a close up of the man’s eyes open.
Of course...
              Panel 4
The same shot but the mans eyes are closed.
 .... It couldn't get any worse......
              Panel 5
A large wide panel of the outside work place, showing the people at the desk typing away on
their computers, we can see the office door or the character, SFX comes from the room "BANG!" One person looks up from their desk towards the door of the office.
              Panel 6
Same shot as previous except more people have looked up from their computers. SFX "THUD" comes
from the office door.
Page 5
              Panel 1
Same shot as before, the first person to now look up is the only one to still be watching the door.
The rest have gone back to typing on their computers.
              Panel 2
the same shot as previous. The only person left looking up has gone back to their work, everyone
is back working. No one really cares what has  happened to their co worker.
              Panel 3
A shot if the close up of the framed photograph, but with small splatters of blood sprayed on it.
Artwork for short comic

Artwork for short comic

Client had written a comic and wanted me to draw the images he had described. We were aiming for an early 90s style, like the early Hellblazer (J Read More
