ODESD2 design bureaus profil

C5 bar stools in "the CAKE"

Confectionery THE CAKE - a new wonderful place - opened in Kiev on November 21. This is a new project of Dmitry Zahodyakin and Alina Kosichkina, created with Valery Sozanovsky, the author of delicious and beautiful desserts.
The interior of the project is by Slava Balbek and Nadia Chabannaya
Almost all objects in THE CAKE are producted in Ukraine, including tile, bar and furniture.
Bar stools C5, created in our bureau, are used in the interior. Also a modification of the C5 bar stool - C5M bar stool with backrest was designed especially for this project.
Many thanks to Slava Balbek for the opportunity to join this project. Visit the place: Velika Vasilkіvska st. 5, Arena.
C5 bar stools in "the CAKE"

C5 bar stools in "the CAKE"

Bar stools C5 for the CAKE
