ESSENTIALS! Indonesia's profile

UOB Lady's Card Communication

The Challenge
Agency was brief to develop a campaign for the re-launch of a credit card that designed for modern women from which provides a variety of benefits that suits their lifestyle.
The campaign must drive a strong appeal and good response from the audience
The Proposal
Successful women are not made over night. Most of them have been through a hard battle with themselves, in the office, with their families to become who they are today. They have worked very hard and knows that their hard work is worth it.
They are successful because they have conquered all obstacles and they believe in themselves.
Lady’s Card enables women to enjoy life to the fullest, just because they can. And because they deserve it. 
The Creative Idea
“Lady’s Card, an empowerment to women”
UOB Lady’s Card offers prestige and ele- gance, to the cardholder’s benefit, as a symbol of success and maturity.
It offers so many benefits and privileges, it makes life much fun and easier, especially as our target market are busy and hard-working people that needs to be appreciated, acknowledged, and rewarded.
With this card, women are empowered to reach their dreams no matter how small and big they are (whether it be a new branded bag, or taking the pilgrimage trip), to achieve success (revamp her working apparels, taking up public speaking, or that seminar abroad) they have been longing for whilst enjoying life at the same time (dining and holidaying with her family). 
The Advertisement is placed in several women magazines and strategic billboard spots.
And to amplified the campaign, radio ads and digital placement are used strategically.
Google display network is the first choice to amplified the campaign throughout several digital channels and we make sure that its performance is measureable and lead to higher count of credit card application. 
UOB Lady's Card Communication

UOB Lady's Card Communication

An advertising campaign for UOB Indonesia. Lady's Card communication revamp.
