Joseph Gotkin sin profil

Mike's HARDER Jamaican Lemonade Competition

Party HARDER 'mon!
Mike's HARDER Lemonade is having a competition for the design of it's new flavor, Jamaican Lemonade. Usually, I try not to enter contests like this, but this brand is too fun and this theme has too many awesome interprestations to pass up.
Jamaican Theme
Mike's branding is all about fun; high energy, good-natured, humorous, refreshing, and tasty. With the Jamaican Lemonade theme, I wanted to showcase the the country's spirit of fun, joy, energy, and art, along with some visual cultural aspects. I combined different forms of dance, music, flora, and graphical elements unique or originating from the Jamaican and Carribbean culture. These include its national flower and fruit (the Lignum Vitae and Ackee, respectively), colors and pattern styles, the steelpan drums, tradtional dance styles, and a general vibe of fun-loving. 
Marketing Considerations for Package Design
When doing packaging design, it is crucial to consider the product uses and settings. The alcoholic beverage market is awash with competition, and especially the sweeter drinks sector. Wine coolers, hard ciders, premixed cocktails, etc., are all vying for the consumer's attention.
To make these designs stand out, I took advantage of the bright colors and intense patterns of Jamaica, while maintaining a size and focus on the main figures that allows their detailed visual elements to stand out and be recognized. The idea behind this is simple: draw a potential customer closer to the product, then engage their interest on a level above the drink's contents with interesting, attractive, and impressive art. 
And lastly, it must all represent the Mike's HARDER brand at its best, inspiring good-natured fun while looking delicious. 
Hand Sketches to Final Digital Rendering of Characters & Elements
The Final Products
Mike's HARDER Jamaican Lemonade Competition

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Mike's HARDER Jamaican Lemonade Competition

Winning can designs for Mike's HARDER Jamaican Lemonade.
