Time Block is an application that allows you to be more productive throughout your day using the gaps of time between your schedules. The app allows you to enter the time you have available (let' s say 15 minutes), Using the time you enter as a filter, the app provides you with tasks that you can complete within that provided time.
Time block is a quick, simple, intuitive system for categorizing tasks and anticipated times.
Timer for tasks
App evolves with User
Intelligent time-management capabilities
Text-to-Speech: Reads tasks aloud, optimal for on-the-go
Speech Input: User control through voice commands
Mobile Scanner
Extract text from images
So the next time you find yourself with a spare 15 minutes, Time Block can help you use your time wisely.

Time Block App

Time Block App

Time Block is an application that allows you to be more productive throughout your day using the gaps of time between your schedules. The app all Read More
