2101 Park Avenue (2014)
Digital Photography
“2101 Park Avenue” is a series of photographs I made of the house that first captivated me the moment I arrived at my rented place down the road on Newington Avenue. Unlike Singapore, where every building cowers in the shadows of each other, the houses here bask in the brilliance of the sun and their facades transform constantly during the different time of the day. The beauty of the light and shadow falling on this house intrigued me.
Over the span of 12 weeks, I photographed 2101 Park Avenue from the same location at different time of the day under different weather conditions. This series documents the change of the house, not just during different weather and timing conditions but also subtle seasonal transformations.
Accompanying the portraits of the house is a selection of photographs of the interesting things that captivated my “Singaporean eye”. These images document my investigations of the light during that time of the shoot and my fascination of the American landscape.
September 08, 2014 | 6:17pm
September 08, 2014 | 7:17am
September 08, 2014 | 1:30pm
September 19, 2014 | 7:49pm
September 25, 2014 | 10:32am
October 02, 2014 | 3:40pm
October 09, 2014 | 10:52am
October 16, 2014 | 7:26am
October 23, 2014 | 1:43pm
October 30, 2014 | 6:38pm
November 6, 2014 | 4:20pm
November 12, 2014 | 3:55pm
November 20, 2014 | 4:18pm
Nanyang Technological Unviersty x National Geographic Live - Light & Life Photography Competition 2015 - Merit
Nanyang Technological Unviersty x National Geographic Live - Light & Life Photography Competition 2015, Singapore
2101 Park Avenue
公開日 :

2101 Park Avenue

Over the span of 12 weeks, the artist took the same picture of the house, 2101 Park Avenue, during various times of the day to investigate how li 詳細を表示

公開日 :
