The Future Maze (Itenas Design Calendar 2015)

Collaboration is important not just because it's a better way to learn.
The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives.
So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness,
problem solving, innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing
networked economy.
A promotion project of itenas for pasar seni ITB 2014
by creating an institution
calender and poster
Advertising Calendars or Business Calendars will promote your business every day on the business calendar.
We called FUTURE MAZE for the title of calendar it's about your destiny and it's a tour puzzle  in the form of a complex branching passage through which the solver must find a route. 
cheerful is a person or thing that brings joy, humor or good spirits.
Tone & Manner
Pastels Color Scheme (colored; colorful; coloured. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination)
          pastels are a specific type of medium, usually in stick form. They are colors with low saturation but not necessarily the light, delicate colors we think of as pastel colors. In general use, pastel refers to any low saturation, light, or subdued color. The most common pastels are light shades of blue, pink, green, yellow, and lavender (light purple). Also, light orange or coral colors and light shades of turquoise are pastel Easter colors.
          Pastel colors are considered Springtime colors. They symbolize rebirth, new growth, and new beginnings.
           Designed a calender by creating types forming the words itenas design. One type for each month and every type had its meaning that represented the word ITENAS faculty of Design. The design of the calender focused on the aesthetic that functioned as a reminder that had visual elements and type illustration and also quotes on each type.
          Not only we designed a calender, we also designed a flyer and a poster which contained the identity of the university itself. We brought out the other side of the university, by showing the culture in itenas. The purpose was to approach the emotional side of the audiences.
          The National Institute of Technology (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Nasional, abbreviated as ITENAS), is a private,technology-oriented university located in Bandung, Indonesia.
ITENAS was established in 1972 as the National Academy of Technology (Indonesian: Akademi Teknologi Nasional, abbreviated as ITENAS) by the Dayang Sumbi Educational Foundation with R. Mansoer Wiratmadja as its first rector.
Contributing Team:
Cahya Sofyan - Project Manager & Illustrator
Astria Fadhilah - Copywriter & Content
Rakka Saputra Iqbal - Illustrator
Owi Liunic - Illustrator
Shinrya Tiara Putri - Illustrator
Ghiffari Alifananda - Motion Grapher & Content
Andre Tirta Nugraha - Motion Grapher
thanks to:
Imadji DKV
Imadji DI
The Future Maze (Itenas Design Calendar 2015)

The Future Maze (Itenas Design Calendar 2015)

Designed a calender by creating types forming the words itenas design. One type for each month and every type had its meaning that represented th Rozwiń
