Wacom Cintiq Companion Hybrid- LayerPaint HD
This is the first part of my tattoo flashes about japanese mythical/folclor creatures.
Buddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests. Tengu are associated with the ascetic practice known as Shugendō, and they are usually depicted in the distinctive garb of its followers, the yamabushi.
The tengu were originally thought to take the forms of birds of prey, and they are traditionally depicted with both human and avian characteristics. The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which today is widely considered the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.
Water sprites, highly malignant, even with murderous tendencies (they can lure children into the river to drown them there, often sucking the internal organs, or - according to other versions - blood, liver or life force through the anus). They are also blamed for kidnapping children and raping women. At the same time they like to do the usual jokes in nearby villages, scaring women, stealing food and cousing noises. They love taste of human flesh, but cucumbers are even more delicious for them. Tamed Aquarius is a great playmate.
Foxes are considered to be extremely intelligent and cunning. If fox will put the skull on its head, it can take human form. Often treated as envoys of many Gods.
Creatures which look little bit like ogres. They are considered to be guardians of a household. On New Year they're checking houses and looking for new family members. When Namahage finally find them they are scaring and warning to listen to elder family members. They also encourage them to work hard and not give up trying.
Japanese bestiary

Japanese bestiary

Tattoo flashes of japanese mythical/folclor creatures
