Profil appartenant à Judi Oyama

2nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Show

2 nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Show
Featured Artists: Jimbo Phillips, Steve Olson, Lance Mountain, Jason Adams, Steve Caballero, Justin Forbes, Jason Jessee, Lucas Musgrave, David Hackett, Keith Meek, Kevin Walsh, Bryce Kanights, Mark Whiteley, Pat Ngoho, Cindy Whitehead, Christian Cooper, Danny Sun, Eric Fieber, Chris Sprouls, Eli Atkins, David Swift, Chris Pastras, Eli Roe, Kori Thompson, Judi Oyama, Angela Stucky and more.

ebay account foyster2
Jason Adams
Ebay #7 “system failure”
“I like to keep things simple! I skate, I make stuff! I guess it’s all art? Who knows? Never been big on labels. But ya, when I feel inspired I tend to want to create something from it...Put it through my filter and puke it back out.  I still Haven’t figured out if I’m driven to achieve  or I’m just running from adultisms? When it comes down to it it’s all pretty self indulgent and meaningless...but I guess it’s better than therapists and medication!”
Bryce "BK" Kanights
Ebay #9 “Life Blood”
Born and raised in San Francisco, BK is passionate about skateboarding and urban landscape photography. He works with several key companies in the skateboarding industry, and has created lots of classic photos of great skaters.
Steve Caballero
Ebay #3 “Fly”
Husband, Father, Skateboarder, Artist, and follower of Christ Jesus.
Chris Sprouls
eBay #4 “ Thrashin’”
Chris is an Art Director at Apple and co-founder of He has tried to ride a skateboard since the mid ‘80s.
Hand painted one of a kind skateboard deck with framed ad from “Thrashn’” movie for Board Rescue’s Skateboard Art Show and Benefit Auction.

Chris Sprouls framed "Thrashn'" Ad goes with the Board
Christian Cooper
eBay #10
Skateboarder. Probably says a lot of things you don’t want to hear and writes a lot of things you don’t want to read. Looking for an escape from L.A. but skating pools in the meantime.
Danny Sun
Ebay #2 “Turtle Flow”
Danny Sun is an illustrator, graphics guy and tattoo artist who plasters his art all over skateboards,
skate wheels, tee shirts, helmets and skin.

Danny Sun “Turtle Flow” Flipped
Eli Roe
eBay #23 “Faces”
Eli Roe is a full time graphic designer in the tech industry. He also freelances as a illustrator/designer/photographer for surf, skate, food and beauty industries. Born in so cal but now a half lifer in nor cal he calls SC home with his lady Shyama and his two daughters, Thandi and Eisley.

Lucas Musgrave
eBay #6 “Scream”
I am currently the Art Director for Santa Cruz Skateboards, contributing artist to Creature Skateboards and freelance Illustrator/Designer. If you’re interested in working with him or seeing more work please visit or contact Lucas at
Eric “Dog” Fieber
eBay #19 “Band Fliers”
Eric is the pin line king and can be found via the Haut Surf Shop. These were all hand redrawn old fliers put on rice paper and then glassed into the deck.
Justin Forbes
Ebay #5 “Garbage Pail youth of today”
Justin grew up in So-Cal skating and making art. He studied graphics under Jim Phillips in the 90s, and studied painting and photography in N.Y. He now lives in Texas and has several pieces on permanent display at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art.
Hand painted one of a kind skateboard deck for Board Rescue’s Skateboard Art Show and Benefit Auction.
Jason Jessee
eBay #26

Jason Jessee is and has been an iconic pro skater and artist for Santa Cruz for many years. Pray for Me: The Jason Jessee Film was released in the spring of 2006.
Jimbo Phillips
eBay #1 “Dragon Breath”
Jimbo Phillips is an artist from Santa Cruz that continues his family legacy of eye popping graphics and artwork for the skate, surf, rock world and beyond. Keep your eyes peeled for Jimbos graphic assault!
Kori Thompson
eBay #17 “wolf”
Born and raised in the South Bay. His paintings are a reflection of peoples inner conflicts and raw emotion that is often times felt, but never seen. When not hell bent on world domination he loves spending time with his family, reading comic books, enjoying music and movies.
Keith Meek
eBay #15 “After Life Mini Bar”
Dubbed “The Slasher” for his smooth, yet aggressive attack in backyard pools, for over 35 years,
Keith Meek also has over 25 years experience in Action Sports design. Trained under the watchful eye of Jim Phillips in the late 80s, Keith has worked with industry giants, both in surf and skate

Hand made one of a kind skateboard deck with a custom coffin, felt lined, custom logo shot glasses with two sided custom label made for Board Rescue’s Skateboard Art Show and Benefit Auction
Keith Meek
David Hackett
eBay #21 “Paint n Skate”
David Jude Hackett: Life long skateboarder. David considers each canvas as an arena in which to act, instead of a space to reproduce or “Paint” a present or imagined object. Having attended Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design in the 80’s David now owns a print/design and web business.

Pat Ngoho
eBay #11 “Pipe”
NGOHO is A.W.O.L. Always West Of Lincoln. Steeped in the deep bloodlines of Venice, California, Ngoho paints on concrete, water, and canvass. Ngoho lives on the canals of Venice and travels the world spreading the stoke.
Steve Olson
eBay #24 “Chevrolet”
Back in 1978, everyone took notice of Steve Olson. He introduced us all to hardcore punk rock skateboarding. If not for him, skaters would still have long bleach blond hair, O.P. short shorts and listen to Led Zep and Fleetwood Mac. Steve left his indelible mark on skateboarding. Olson changed the look and outlook of skateboarding forever.
Judi Oyama
eBay #25 “skate love”
Judi is an old school pro and Creative Director of Maximum Impact Design. She hosts business meetings at the skate park and carries important documents on a skate drive. In other words, she loves skateboarding,
even as much as she loves art.
Chris Pastras
Ebay #13
Jazz man, TV personality, fluid skateboarder and painter, co-founder of Stereo Skateboards. Pastras lives in Los Angeles, by way of Hoboken New Jersey. One of the coolest characters to come down the pike, or even the turnpike for that matter.

Angela Stucky
eBay #20 “Eye Contact”
Angela is not really pro at anything, except for life-in-general. She has been an artist for over 27 years, beginning with the finger painting medium, which she still enjoys. Angela is a graphic designer, illustrator, and capoeirista in Santa Cruz.

David Swift
Ebay #14
Swift is a senior creative director in the entertainment industry but don’t let that fool you. He has served several weekends in the county jail for taking his art into the streets or maybe he didn’t. Hardcore artist.
Kevin Walsh
eBay #22
It all began at a very early age for Kevin.  At age five, he already knew he wanted to be a surfer and an artist. He now paints surfboards, skateboards, and posters for various clients.
Cindy Whitehead
eBay #8 “4 Letter Word”
OG Pro vert skater. Sports Stylist® for advertising & editorial shoots for past 20 years. Still causing trouble, pissing off boys, living on the edge, and loving every minute of it.
Eli Atkins & Paul KeleBoard Rescue Custom made Ebay #18 “Cat Scratch"
Santa Cruz natives Eli Atkins and Paul Kele work together at Giro where Eli’s the Creative Director and
Paul is a Senior Mechanical Engineer. When they’re not searching for
early morning waves north of Santa Cruz they’re fabricating new and unusual products.
They’re too busy to create an Internet site at this point but they think about creating one all the time.

2nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Show Fundraiser
September 16, 2011 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Santa Cruz Boardroom 825 41st Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Boards will be auctioned on Ebay all sales will go toward Board Rescue. Art Work will be In the window at the x Santa Cruz Boardroom from September 16 - October 7th, Ebay Auction will end October All Proceeds go to Board Rescue. Board Rescue's mission is to provide skateboards and safety equipment to organizations that work with underprivileged and/or at-risk youth.http://boardrescue.org Details on
2nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Show
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2nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Show

Several legendary and up and coming skateboard artists donated their time to make these skateboards for our 2nd Annual Board Rescue Skate Art Sho Lire la suite

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