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The 2014 SUNYCON Conference Brand

The 2014 Critical Issues in Higher Education Conference explored how higher education institutions can benefit from public sectors such as healthcare, business, and the social sector when implementing large-scale change to drive collective impact on campus.
The concept of an illustrated community was used for it's visually-friendly approcah to a subject that seems foreign to most people, even in higher education. That community illustration was used throughout various branded print and web applications such as a presentation folder, website, event program, notepad, menu, save the date, book cover, agenda, tote bag, mug, name tag, web ads, and various signage.
The tote bag was ordered in "SUNY blue" and was used by all conference attendees to hold the many handouts and information packets at the 2-day conference.
Window clings were placed on the front doros of the conference venue and introduced attendees to the visual brand.
The zoomed-in community illustration was used on the pocket folder to change up perspective.
The community illustration was then combined with an image of the world to illustrate how collective impact is a universal concept.
The community illustration applied to a book, which will be in print production near the end of 2015.
A website with interactive video links, maps, speaker information, and event agendas.
The 2014 SUNYCON Conference Brand

The 2014 SUNYCON Conference Brand

A conference brand developed around the idea of collective impact
