Starting in this course I  worked on element 3D  and it was very intresting the way it can be interprited for any purpose given.
These are Ideas of a logo I would use for a Trailer, giving the background any sense of movement but in 3D for the camera movement so that it can get the best results.
I though that maybe fading light might be intresting as you can see in the image above gives an fading effect for the partical system in after effects, which you can find on 
I still dont know if I will be able to use it if there are other ways to show a Sci-fi trailer or Technology trailer.
I could Do a hologram of PixlFest with all the text and pictures of information given for the trailer.
The Idea is that i am using element 3D but with other ways to show holo-projection in after effects.
Started by using different elements and texture for the text so that I could get a reflection of light, which I did in photoshop for this example of light i wanted to use
Using the light in After Effects I was able to see throu the text with the idea that you could do with hologram but the lighting was either to strong or needed more color for the text to show out its reflection 
This final result was to see if animating a Glitch Effect on the text would make the hologram more realistic
In a lot of Sci-Fi films or shows you see someone holding or using a hologram like a touch screen with the idea it can float in air or interact with other things by touching it, in other words I want to use the pad as if it were a website with all the info of the speakers and the other information about PIXLFEST and show it as 3D or 2D diminutional projection.
This is uncomplet for right now. so I hope to use the top light of circles for the logo to appear in 3d hologram projection and maybe do some intresting animation with the logo with the following information geting across the trailer 
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Project for PIXLFEST trailer storyboarding

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