Perfil de Lewis Gourlay

Kid Adrift = A4 In Ecstasy

Brutal promo for  Kid Adrift on Island records. The video portrays an illegal fight orchestrated by an ominous character. Featuring sweat , blood and glimpses of the unconscious mind. It's dark, photographic, energetic, powerful and claustrophobic. 
Artist: Kid Adrift
Track: A4 in Ecstasy
Label: Island Records
Director: Lewis Gourlay & Abby Warrilow AKA Cagoule
Producer: Clare Kerr
DOP: Scott Ward
2nd Camera: Mintuu Mantynen
Production Company: Gas&Electric
Directors Rep: Debs Ramsey @ YiLondon
Commissioner: Tamara Brooks
Kid Adrift = A4 In Ecstasy
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Kid Adrift = A4 In Ecstasy

Brutal promo for Kid Adrift on Island records. The video portrays an illegal fight orchestrated by an ominous character.

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