All life comes to an end, but we're not dead yet. The knowledge of the ever-looming, ever-blooming death, is the greatest motivation for Jak Rapmund. It is his main inspiration, to refuse a regular job, to produce art and to travel the world enjoying the brevity of life. To try and experience as much of this world as it has to offer. Jak continues on the adventure, to keep painting and tattooing and learning, in the city that began his life as an artist, Melbourne.
Jak hand carves woodblock printing plates, to produce highly limited prints that are individually unique. He tattoos skin, primarily with flora and fauna, references to life and death, and elements of geometry and he paints murals, playing with similar themes, but bringing an explosion of colour to the walls, expending some of the energy pent up by studio time.
Opening December 5th from 6-9pm at the Just Another Project Space - 2A/127 Greville Street, Prahran (entry off Grattan Street)
Not Dead Yet

Not Dead Yet

All life comes to an end, but we're not dead yet. The knowledge of the ever-looming, ever-blooming death, is the greatest motivation for Jak Rapm Read More
