Profil von Alexander Nantschev

[A]ura @ Ars Electronica Center Linz

[A]ura – WYSIWYG
What You See Is What You Get
A performance-gallery with open-source-choreography
One day the internet will be as sacred as a giant ancient cathedral. And everybody will sacrifice their details to pay tribute to the digital gods.
In the interactive performance (A)ura, the user is transformed from spectator, to creator: during the weeks before the premiere they can find a unique feature at ChoreoMixer, with which they can design and remix the choreography and contents of (A)ura, by using the browser.
Walter Benjamin says that in modern art the aura of the work of art withers because of mechanical reproduction, and inaccessibility, due to too close a proximity to the observer.
At the same time, a completely different aura of amazement will be created by new technologies. Every user can be a choreographer, an innovative remixer and in that way create his own virtual memorial which perhaps will follow its own unexpected ways. Closeness and distance will join crosswise in a new way.
But what about the situation when the digital medium refuses to cooperate with the user?
What you see is what you get.
choreography/dance: Elke Pichler
music/video: Alexander Nantschev
stagedesign/costumes: Monika Biegler
light-and screendesign: Georg Stadlmann
programming: Stefan Lechner
interactive technical support: Graham Thorne
legal consulting: Clemens Lahner
pr: Stefan Eigenthaler
live cam: Philipp Aichinger
Kindly supported by:
MA7, Kosmostheater and Ars Electronica Center Linz
[A]ura @ Ars Electronica Center Linz

[A]ura @ Ars Electronica Center Linz

[A]ura – WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get A performance-gallery with open-source-choreography One day the internet will be as sacred as a gia Mehr anzeigen
