This is my work for HM 8th exhibition:

"The Hysterical Minds artistic collective, in collaboration with the artistic community Shadowness.com, presents its eighth expression, HM8:SHADOWNESS, exhibition for which each artist has his personal vision of his darker side, through different styles and a variety of concepts, creating a disturbing set, of high quality and facing the tough challenge of raising a qualitative step in our growth dynamics, reasons why, together, we are sure you will not go unnoticed.

Focusing on a more illustrative esthetic dynamic and a dark concept, facing an art book project that will be released soon commissioned by a publishing company, we have developed this exhibit midway between the usual way of working the grupal exhibitiones of a collective on the one hand, and a similar workflow to a professional illustration studio on the other, and enhancing more than ever before in our group the constructive criticism and creative direction, putting it more difficult to ourselves."


My work serving Hysterical minds 8th exhibition in collaboration with Sahdowness
