Folio Printer- The Hanging File Printer
     Virtually every office stores hanging files, this efficient method for storing paper can also be a slick way to store a personal printer. When your high volume office printer is busy printer printing fifty 500- page reports or even just when the office loud mouth is camped out in front the printer with pictures of his Grand Canyon vacation, sometimes you really don’t want to send a memo or a label to the main printer. The Folio Printer is the first printer specifically designed to augment the networked printer.
A Different Printer   
The personal business printer is different from a printer for the home. More than just having to look professional, the business printer must adapt to the way professionals use printed data. Still today, the printed page is the most pleasant to read and most secure way to receive and store information. The Folio Printer is designed for the way professionals use paper, providing a secure, convenient platform that doesn’t clutter the desk or require extra steps.
Smooth Form  
     Paper feed and pick up trays slip neatly into the body of the printer. The printer's smooth shape fits easily into storage.

Folio Printer

Folio Printer

Quick project to design a printer that stores in a filing cabenate
