Concept Design
What is ZERO?
There are 7 hundred million analphabetic in the world who do not know how to write due to lack of proper education because of the poverty and the war. ZERO will help these people by providing them the basic writing education and bring Zero illiteracy rate to the world.
There are lots of children without proper education due to a serious poverty who cannot afford to buy school supplies or do not have a school around them.
Especially, Africa has the lowest illiteracy rate and 74.3% of population in Chad cannot read or write.
We would like to help people in the world learn to write and read easily by using our product without going to school, without school supplies or without the teacher
How to use
ZERO provides the basic writing education to children living far away from school or too poor to go to school.
They can learn to write without the presence of the teacher and also can write without a notebook or a pencil.
Using a small projector, it projected the language people wish to learn.
When you grasp a pencil, it projects the image to most ideal angle and at the same time, it plays the selected language from the speaker.


There are 7 hundred million analphabetic in the world who do not know how to write due to lack of proper education because of the poverty and the Read More
