Oficially launched in May 2014, www.factual.ro is Romania's first fact-checking unit, aimed at revealing the factual truth behind what politicians say (in order to make them more responsible). It boasts a community of experts in fields ranging from energy policies to anti-corruption and constitutional law. 

I am the website editor and community manager but I was also responsible with the initial branding process, which includes the truth barometer - a visually succint manner of communicating the result of a fact-check (red is bad, blue is good, the stronger the shade the more extreme the value of a statement is).

Factual partnered with popular www.gandul.info media outlet during the 2014 presidential campaign to hold live checkathons (intense fact-checking sessions) synchronized with the presidential debates on TV. We were told we did good :)

While visiting Romania and addressing civil society at the Presidential Palace in Bucharest, American Vicepresident Joe Biden mentioned and praised Factual in his speech. Later on the Factual team actually fact-checked his speech for factual accuracy.
At Joe Biden's speech in Bucharest


Branding, naming, website development, information architecture, punctual campaigns.
