YoonJeong Jo sin profil

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The story follows the base plot of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but the setting is changed around 13th century BC in 19th Dynasty (Ramesses II) in Egypt. Seth is to Khonsu as Mr.Hyde is to Dr.Jekyll. Khonsu is a high priest who serves Seth, the god of violence and deserts. Like other priests, he could ask for Seth's power to aid the current dynasty. However, the more he calls Seth, Seth begins to stay in his body longer. In the end, both his mind and body are completely controlled by Seth. In this status, the appearance of Khonsu becomes Seth, and Seth starts to kill the high priest who serves Horus, the god of sky, sun and the moon.
Dr. Jekyll: Khonsu the High Priest
Stubborn and rational, but sensitive and sarcastic
Mr. Hyde: Seth a God of Violence and Deserts 
Short-tempered, aggressive, sardonic, and bold 
Seth had to go through more revision to have the right expressions
Final Design
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Excercise
